French Agency for Development and Promotion of Organic Agriculture

When we talk about organic tea labels or AB certificates in France, talking about theAgence Bio french agency for the development and promotion of organic agriculture is inevitable! This agency is part of the public interest actors that promote the consumption of organic products.
Essential to the development ofFrench organic agriculture, the missions of this organization are numerous.

Information, development, promotion of organic agriculture: the missions of the French Organic Agency

Created in November 2001, theFrench Agency for the Development and Promotion of Organic Agriculture, also known as the " Agence Bio ", is a public interest group.
This national platform for information and action has as its mission the promotion, development and structuring oforganic agriculture on French territory. It is with the agency that the steps to obtain an AB certification are taken.
This agency is organized around 5 poles:

  1. Communication
  2. Observatory and information systems
  3. Organic future and structuring of sectors
  4. Catering outside the home
  5. Environment and territories

Making available figures, news and all other data at the national level

Located in Montreuil, theFrench Agency for the Development & Promotion of Organic Agriculture is the national equivalent of IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements).
You will find equivalent organizations all over the world.
Each year, these agencies do a huge amount of work:

  • they collect thousands of data on the consumption of the organic sector;
  • they connect millions of partners;
  • they accompany new organic farms in the creation or development of their activity;
  • they help producers to convert their farmland to organic farming.

Bringing together millions of representatives, putting organic farming partners in touch with each other

TheAgence Bio counts, among its members, important national organizations:

  • the Ministry of Agriculture and Food;
  • the Ministry of Ecological Transition;
  • the grouping of the French Chambers of Agriculture
  • the Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives;
  • the FNAB;

This agency works closely with partners who contribute to the development oforganic agriculture: environmental and consumer protection organizations, researchers, distribution channels, public, professional and interprofessional organizations.
In addition to managing the official directory of notified organic agriculture professionals and news from this sector, theAgence Bio brings together:

  • producers (farmers, breeders, farms and agricultural cooperatives);
  • processors (preparers);
  • distributors or importers of organic products.

It is notably through events that this agency brings together the actors of the organic food sector. The interest of these meetings is that the craze for organic products (like organic tea) benefits Frenchagriculture.

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