Japanese Matcha

Matcha originated in Japan where it was consumed as early as the 12th century in Buddhist monasteries. It inspired thesecular art of sadō through the famous tea ceremony. If Japanese green tea in Europe, it is mainly for its extraordinary properties. This superfood rich in tannins and antioxidant has many health benefits. This green tea is characterized by a jade color and a slightly bitter but naturally sweet taste.

The origins of Matcha: the art of Japanese tea

The Japanese tea ceremony is an age-old art that is part of a set of practices called sadō. This thought developed by Sen no Rikyū, a 16th century Japanese tea master, is based on four fundamental values also known as tea virtues: harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility. Matcha is the only tea used for this traditional ceremony even though there are dozens of different ways to prepare it. The tea ceremony is a very codified ritual to which one must be invited.

Why drink Matcha for breakfast?

Matcha has countless properties and health benefits. It is as rich in caffeine as an espresso but also contains other nutrients that facilitate its absorption, making it more tolerable for your body. In the morning, it offers a healthy alternative with less bitterness than regular green tea. Its composition, rich in vitamins, beta-carotene and iron, makes matcha an invigorating drink, ideal for starting the day.

What is matcha tea?

Matcha tea is a green tea from the Camelia Sinensis tea plant. It has been protected from light before harvesting, which gives it its special properties. Matcha is extracted from young tea leaves only. This explains its fine and not very bitter taste and its price, higher than other green teas. It is ground into a very fine powder that must be frothed in hot water before consumption.

History of Japanese green tea

The history of Japanese green tea originates in China like all teas. Introduced in Japan in the 9th century by Buddhist monks, it was first consumed exclusively in monasteries before spreading, first to the bourgeoisie and then to all Japanese people. The tea ceremony is a typically Japanese art of great beauty.

The many benefits of Matcha green tea

Matcha green tea is rich in chlorophyll, vitamins and iron. It has many health benefits. In addition to its antioxidant and anti-free radical properties, it is also a detox tea par excellence. Consumed at breakfast it brings energy and vitality.

Where to find quality matcha tea?

The Matcha is in essence a quality product among green teas. If you want to find a quality product both in terms of taste and nutrition, organic matcha is the best alternative. With organic tea, you can enjoy all the benefits of your drink without any contamination.

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