Tea Benefits oolong

Oolong tea : Virtues and benefits

Semi-fermented oolong tea is a particular tea, between green tea and black tea. As a result, its properties are different depending on its level of oxidation. To address the issue of oolong tea and health, it is essential to distinguish the different types of oolongs.

Oolong tea combined benefits of green tea and black tea

The benefits of oolong tea vary according to the fermentation process the tea has undergone. Chinese tea undergoes a treatment similar to green tea and has a low oxidation rate. It is therefore low in theine like green tea, unlike Taiwanese oolong tea which is closer to black tea in this respect. It is also rich in polyphenols, anti free radicals that help prevent aging, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Another health benefit is that oolong tea has a lower fluoride content than green tea, especially if it is organic. It is also rich in minerals: manganese, magnesium and potassium.

Oolong tea and weight loss

Oolong tea is often associated with dieting or weight loss. It contains polyphenols, real fat burners. By consuming blue oolong tea, you increase fat burning by 150% compared to green tea. A study has shown that consumers of organic oolong tea also have a richer intestinal flora and therefore a much better digestion. The theanine contained in blue tea contributes to relaxation thanks to its relaxing properties.

Oolong tea benefits skin and eczema

Oolong tea is often associated with eczema. This link is due to a study that would have proved that blue tea would relieve eczema. According to this study, 63% of the 118 participants would have seen an improvement of their skin disease after only 2 weeks of treatment.

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