Quand boire du thé blanc

From ancestral Chinese culture, the organic white tea is by far one of the rarest, most refreshing and most refined teas in the history of tea. Yet, just like green, red and black tea, white tea is plucked from Camellia Sinensis tea plants. The difference is that white tea is harvested only once a year in the Yunnan province of China, and consists only of buds and young shoots. These undergo very little manipulation, thus limiting their rate of oxidation. This is why the benefits of white tea are widely recognized. Brewing white tea releases its tannins and reveals its unique and subtle taste, making it the best tea to drink throughout the day. However, like all good things, it should not be overdone. Three to four cups of tea a day is more than enough to get the full benefits of the beverage!

The powerful antioxidants contained in the flavonoids and catechins of white tea are even more beneficial to health than its neighbor green tea. Considered in Chinese medicine as a natural remedy and supported by scientific studies, white tea, when consumed regularly, reduces blood pressure, the risk of cardiovascular disease, cholesterol levels and diabetes. It eliminates cancerous cells, thus limiting certain cancers such as lung cancer or prostate cancer and reduces the risks of degenerative diseases. Drinking white tea also promotes weight loss and slows down cell aging. In short, there is no lack of beneficial effects of white tea and we will see together when to drink white tea during the day to make the most of all its properties.

Drink white tea in the morning or white tea in the evening?

If we ask ourselves the question of when to drink white tea during the day, is it better in the morning or in the evening? Start by drinking white tea in the morning. Of course, it is better tobuy organic white tea in bulk and of very good quality. First of all, it is an excellent draining agent that will help to clean the body by eliminating all the waste and toxins processed by the body during the night. The other reason to drink white tea in the morning is that it does not act as an excitant but as a stimulant. It gently stimulates the central nervous system (CNS), thus increasing alertness without causing excitement. Last but not least, the assimilation of theine is slower than the caffeine contained in coffee, so the active ingredients and the energizing effects will be felt throughout the day.

Can I drink white tea at night?

Many people wonder when to drink white tea and do not consider drinking it at night. Contrary to what you might think, theine and caffeine are derived from the same molecule, but do not have the same properties. The level of theine in white tea is minimal, and thanks to polyphenols, part of the theine is not digested. 60% of the theine in white tea is released in the first 20 seconds of brewing, so you can throw away the first water to eliminate it. So drinking white tea in the evening is not contraindicated before going to sleep. Like an infusion, you can benefit from the soothing effect of a cup of hot tea in the evening before bedtime, ensuring a good night's sleep.

Can I drink white tea with food?

Of course, if you're going to an Asian restaurant, you'll probably enjoy a cup of excellent white tea while eating your food. However, it is not advisable to drink white tea systematically during meals because tea and iron are not very compatible. Iron is essential to our body but the body does not manufacture it: it is therefore found in food. Tea, on the other hand, reduces the absorption of iron from food by up to 70%. To answer the question: when to drink white tea? The answer is any time of the day, but it is recommended that iron deficient people, vegetarians and vegansavoid drinking white tea with food. In this case, you should drink your white tea at least one hour before your meal or one hour after.

Drinking white tea between meals reduces the feeling of hunger

We often experience a small drop in energy around 10 o'clock in the morning and around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. This"energy crash" often comes from the fact that breakfast or lunch has already been digested by our body, and that it needs a boost to last until the next meal. It is often at this time that we are tempted to snack. Drinking a cup of white tea is an excellent appetite suppressant. So don't deprive yourself of it, it will allow you to lose a few extra kilos. Moreover, the tea break in the middle of the afternoon is the best time to enjoy the flavors of white tea and take full advantage of this relaxing moment.

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