Quelle différence entre tisane et infusion ?

Every day, more and more of us consume herbal teas and infusions for the virtues they offer us. Indeed, these drinks contribute to our well-being and reduce the aches and pains effectively. However, do we really know the difference between herbal tea and infusion? What are the characteristics of these drinks and how do they differ from each other? What is the difference between herbal tea and infusion in terms of preparation? For know everything about herbal tea and herbal tea, discover our guide.

Difference between herbal tea and infusion in detail

How to make the difference between an herbal tea and an infusion? In reality, the term herbal tea encompasses different preparation techniques such as infusion, maceration and decoction. What is the difference between an herbal tea and an infusion? Herbal tea illustrates the drink we consume while infusion isone of the most used ways to prepare it. How do you make it? Simply boil water and pour it over the chosen mixture of plants.

Difference between tea and herbal tea and infusion

After having discussed the difference between herbal tea and infusion, let's now see the difference between tea and herbal tea and infusion. Just like herbal tea and infusion, tea and infusion are often confused. These two beverages are actually distinguished by their composition. Indeed, tea is a drink that contains theine. Moreover, it is the result of the infusion of tea leaves. As for herbal tea, its composition is different. Indeed, it is composed of natural plants (dried flowers, stems, leaves, ...).

Tea, like coffee, has an energizing effect, whereas herbal tea will bring you different benefits depending on the plants used. We can use medicinal plants such as chamomile, verbena, lemon balm or linden. These are natural remedies against the various ailments of daily life. Herbal teas are rich in antioxidants and active ingredients. Depending on the plant used, this infusion can have a calming, relaxing but also depurative, diuretic and digestive effect on your body. Just as there are different kinds of herbal teas, there are different varieties of tea. This is the case for green, yellow, white or black tea.

The difference between herbal tea and infusion in terms of preparation

What is the difference between an herbal tea and an infusion? It is not always easy to distinguish between herbal tea and tea. To summarize, herbal tea is a beverage made from natural plants and infusion is a method of preparing herbal tea. Tea contains theine and can be consumed hot or cold.An infusion lasts between 5 and 10 minutes so that the plants have time to release all their benefits and active ingredients.

We advise you not to boil the water for too long to avoid evaporating some of the active substances of the plant in your herbal tea. Furthermore, it is preferable to leave the tea covered during the infusion so that it is more effective. Choose water with a low mineral content and use honey instead of sugar to flavour your herbal teas. Finally, regardless of the preparation method you choose, select organic herbal teas with ingredients guaranteed to be free of pesticides and chemicals . This is the best way to take advantage of all the virtues of herbal tea!

What is the difference between herbal tea and infusion and decoction?

What is the difference between herbal tea and infusion? It is the final drink and the way it is prepared. Let's go back to the different ways of preparing herbal tea and the difference between herbal tea infusion and decoction. The infusion is the insertion of loose plants or sachets in boiling water for a few minutes. Decoction is the process of putting plants in cold water and boiling them for a while. This technique aims at extracting as many molecules and benefits as possible. Finally, the maceration is longer. You must place the chosen plants in ambient water for 30 to 40 minutes.

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