Tisane aux fruits

If the fruit tea is a fragrant infusion with a delicate taste, it is also full of benefits for our health. Zoom on these leaked infusions!

Fruit herbal teas: a concentrate of pleasure and benefits

Need a drink with a good taste of fruit, with flavors that stimulate the taste buds, and which, in addition, is good for your health?
Fruit infusions meet these expectations. Not only does it keep you hydrated all day long (perfect for people who have trouble drinking water), but it also provides the properties of the fruits or plants that are infused.
Even better, it is possible to vary the flavors while adding up the benefits. For example, hibiscus and raspberry go very well together, as does apple (a real treat!).
What if you tried combining them with lemon, orange, or even peach? Or with honey, verbena, lavender to remind you of Provence?
Hundreds of recipes are available to you and allow your imagination to run wild.

Benefits for each fruit

If you wish to take advantage of the virtues of each plant, don't hesitate to find out about the right associations and properties of each one. For that, the opinion of a herbalist is very recommended. Only he will be able to really guide you and give you the right dosage. You can find herbalists in pharmacies, but also online if needed.
To help you, let's take a look at the properties of the most common fruits. This list is of course not exhaustive, but it will give you an idea of what you can gain by consuming fruits in infusion.


The fruit of summer par excellence, it has fiber, many antioxidants, vitamin C and B9, ideal for pregnant women.if it gets along very well with basil, mint and fennel give it even more character


It is also very rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, and helps to regulate contractions and to give birth more easily. In herbal tea with its leaves and/or fruit, it can be combined with mint and hibiscus or apple.


The cherry season is very short, take advantage of it to recover their tails and drink delicious infusions with a sweet taste.It has many benefits: anti-inflammatory, diuretic, it is also good for digestion and sleep.

How to prepare a fruit tea?

Traditionally, we use the leaves, flowers and stems that can be dried to make fruit drinks, including infusions. However, the flavors can be enhanced by adding chunks.
Herbal teas are available for purchase at a reasonable price, in bags or in bulk. If you want to take full advantage of their benefits, it is better to turn to organic products, as conventional products may contain pesticides.
Red fruit is quite fragile and quickly loses its benefits. So if you want to make an infusion with its flowers or any other parts, do it quickly, or freeze and/or dry what you need for your recipes.

Can we drink as much herbal tea as we want?

A cup of herbal tea after lunch, another one mid-morning, another one for a snack...
There is no shortage of opportunities to drink an infusion. If a fruit has less active principles than a plant (fennel for example), its other parts (seeds, roots that we use) are more powerful. Thus, take care not to exceed three cups per day.
Indeed, certain plants, consumed in an excessive way, can be harmful. The trick would be to vary them in order to avoid too high a concentration of an active principle.

Herbal tea recipes for a fruity note in your day

We should all have something in our kitchen to make a good red fruit infusion. Tonic, these foods are also full of antioxidants that we will find in our little bags, or better, in our homemade tea.

Because there are a multitude of recipes. You can combine red fruits with plants, but also yellow fruits, depending on what is available. To help you, you can be inspired by what is available in the market. So let's all get cooking with these ideas to inspire you.

Strawberry tea

For a cold infusion, take a dozen cut strawberries and a few basil leaves. Leave to infuse overnight in water. You can replace the basil with mint leaves.
More classic, strawberry tail tea. Put some tails in a jar, pack well, then add simmering water. Leave to infuse for 24 hours in a cool place and enjoy.

Cherry tea

Or, more precisely, cherry stem tea (preferably organic). You don't throw anything away in the kitchen! This recipe is very simple: you will need two tablespoons of cherry stems and 20 cl of simmering water, then let it infuse. For a fresh note, you can add some mint here as well, since cherries are diuretic and help to keep your figure.

Raspberry tea

The infusion of organic raspberry leaves goes very well with hibiscus, as well as ginger (the latter calms nausea). This makes it a very tasty infusion that women really appreciate, and it's also a very easy recipe, since you just have to let it steep.

Citrus infusion

Lemon tea is one of the most popular drinks. In summer, it refreshes, in winter, it helps to fight against fatigue and viruses. It is available in bags, but you can also make it yourself, with honey or ginger.
To do this, take one organic lemon per person (or for a cup), bring the water to a simmer, add the zest with the juice, leave to infuse for five minutes and enjoy.
Let's stay with citrus fruits and talk aboutorange blossom infusion, which is as delicious as it is relaxing. Ideal when you want to sleep well, its delicate taste will delight your taste buds.
The recipe for the orange infusion alone is the same as above. With spices, it will perfume your whole kitchen with a pleasant scent. With ginger, vanilla, cinnamon... You'll make it the official Christmas drink.

Herbal tea with red fruits

For pleasure and taste, you can mix flavors and red fruits in the same infusion . You can find herbal teas in bags that have the same principle, namely to vary the recipes to take advantage of the properties and complementarities of each plant.

Cranberry tea

Cranberry tea is a tonic drink, with a tangy note, which helps your urinary system to function properly. You can also find ready-made products in pharmacies or supermarkets, precisely to fight against this type of problem. Prefer, there still, a product bio.

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