Pourquoi boire du thé vert

The green tea is prized all over the world for its numerous virtues. A true wellness drink, it offers many benefits at different levels. A star of detox, this beverage also seduces by its subtle and pleasant taste, which makes it easy to consume at any time of the day for a relaxing break. Discover in our guide the 5 good reasons to consume it daily.

Drinking green tea to lose weight

Green tea has many benefits and is very useful forweight loss. Indeed, it is particularly recommended, in addition to a balanced diet, to remove unwanted pounds in the long term. You should know that green tea is a drink that you can drink at will during your diet, since it contains no calories. But its strengths go much further! This plant contains many ingredients that have a strong impact on your metabolism. On the one hand, caffeine and catechins have a favorable effect on limiting the absorption and storage of fat by your body. On the other hand, green tea has a diuretic effect and participates in an optimal drainage. A suitable solution if you have water retention!

Drinking green tea against cellulite

Among its many virtues, green tea is also a great ally in the fight against all those hard-to-remove dimples. Rich in vitamin C2 and antioxidants, it has a beneficial action and helps tone the skin. By drinking it, your orange peel skin will gradually disappear. To take full advantage of its effects, it is recommended to drink it every day, up to 3 cups. Beware for the most sensitive: avoid tea and exciting drinks after 4pm, you may be subject to insomnia.

Drinking green tea for the skin

In the "natural cosmetics" category, green tea is a great champion. It significantly improves theappearance of your skin and helps tighten pores thanks to the tannins it contains. Natural antibacterial, it is ideal to fight against acne and is therefore a product of choice for combination and oily skin. The beauty of the skin also comes from within, so adopt the reflex to consume green tea regularly to show a radiant face all year round and to push back the signs of aging.

Drinking green tea during pregnancy

For many women, pregnancy can be synonymous with deprivation. The list of foods to ban is often long and the frustration can be great. Fortunately, green tea is one of the little pleasures that are still possible! Hydration is a crucial point for a successful pregnancy. Green tea can help you drink enough throughout the day. Moreover, especially during your pregnancy, it is important to take care of yourself and your body. Green tea provides you with many antioxidants and free radicals that help regulate your metabolism and boost your immune system. However, it should be consumed in moderation because of the theine it contains.

Drink green tea before sport

Tea has become an integral part of the routine of many athletes. It is important to know that caffeine clearly improves your sports performance by giving you a real boost before your session. Tea also contributes to your hydration, which is essential to prevent cramps, to reduce fatigue and for the recovery of your muscles. This tasty plant makes it easier for you to drink throughout the day!

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