Feuilles de chanvre

You consume your cBD tea on a daily basis? Like many people, you are wondering about the legality of consume the hemp leaves in infusion in France? You appreciate the effects of cannabidiol, but don't want to make a mistake? Quality CBD products, infused or not, can really have an impact on your health. Find all the information on how to consume cannabidiol in compliance with the law in France.

Is it legal to consume hemp leaves in infusion ?

Consuming hemp flowers is legal in some cases in France. The legal framework in France, after a few twists and turns, is becoming clearer about CBD products. Even if the new provisions do not always please consumers and traders, a clear framework has been established and must be respected. Consuming hemp flowers and CBD infusions is therefore subject to some strict criteria.

A decree to regulate the consumption of CBD products in France

On December 31, 2021, a new order was published. Expected for a long time, it authorizes the production and the marketing of CBD products in France. After several years of waiting, cannabidiol-based products are now authorized for sale in France under conditions. However, the latter also mentioned the prohibition of consumption of hemp flowers and leaves in their original form. A suspension of this decree, a few weeks later, allowed to relax this legislation and to authorize again the consumption of these CBD products.

CBD products legal under certain conditions

From now on, you can benefit from the properties and benefits of CBD without fear in France. Its soothing, analgesic and relaxing virtues are accessible to you without danger. The psychotropic side effects related to THC are non-existent and do not impact the body of the consumers.

The legal THC rate, although increased in France to 0,3 %, remains very weak. This increase in dosage allows France to market and produce the highly prized Sativa variety. The use of CBD products can be done in different forms. Remember, however, that you can not no smoking or vaping of cannabidiol.

The consumption of CBD in the form of infusion or herbal tea

The ban on the sale of CBD flowers was questioned and debated, but that is history. The state made this decision because it was difficult to distinguish CBD flowers from THC flowers. Today, a cannabidiol product can now be infused, even if it is in the form of hemp leaves or flowers. Herbal teas and cBD-based infusions remain available to consumers.

An appeal to expand the legalization of CBD and the use of hemp leaves

The lifting of the order gives hope for a better future for hemp flowers and leaves. If the cBD infusion can be marketed, in the coming months, distributors are hoping that the current unclear situation will become clearer. Consumers appreciate the relaxing effects of herbal tea made from hemp leaves or flowers. They would not want to reluctantly fall back on derivative products like at the beginning of the year.

It is indeed difficult for them to ignore the action of their CBD infusion in relation to the quality of their sleep or the reduction of daily stress. Let's hope that the law definitely offers the possibility to everyone toinfuse the leaves and flowers of cannabidiol if he wishes.

The infusion of hemp leaves in a few words

Hemp leaves can therefore be consumed in their original form. For benefit from the relaxing and pain-relieving effects of the plant of your choice, consider getting the CBD infusions you like. The cannabidiol teas allow you to enjoy a quality product, with a unique taste and sought-after benefits.

Why consume hemp leaves in infusion ?

Hemp leaves are consumed in the form of cBD-derived products and infusions for many reasons. If the taste of the herbal teas pleases, the health benefits and the organism are also often sought after. Indeed, herbal teas often combine several plants with hemp to confer interesting properties to consumers.

CBD infusion is consumed for:

  • its antioxidant properties ;
  • its effects on digestion in general;
  • its action on nausea and motion sickness;
  • its positive impact on stress and anxiety management;
  • the relaxation provided during its consumption;
  • its ability to facilitate sleep and restful sleep;
  • its protective action on cognitive functions;
  • its complementarity in certain treatments related to skin diseases;
  • its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect appreciated during chronic diseases.

How to consume hemp leaves in infusion ?

First of all, it is necessary to respect the indications of preparations specific to the CBD herbal tea you have chosen or the herbal tea blend you prefer. Also be sure to take into account the dosage advised. The infusion time of CBD products must be long enough for the cannabidiol to undergo decarboxylation. This process is necessary to release the active ingredients and to retain all the benefits on your body of the CBD tea. Don't forget that CBD is insoluble in water and that the addition of a fat, such as butter, oil or milk, is highly recommended to enjoy all its benefits.

Would you like to know more about the effects of a CBD herbal tea on your body? Would you like to learn more about the benefits of CBD infusions on your body? Find out how to prepare a cannabidiol herbal tea to preserve its properties. Also, find out when to consume it and why.

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