Conseils de préparation

Preparation Tips

temps d'infusion

Infusion time
10-15 min

température d'infusion


Moment de la journée

Time of day
All day long


14-17g / L


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yerba maté

Green mate: discover its origins and history

Originally from South America, green mate is a traditional drink with powerful aromas. Recognized for its numerous virtues, this beverage is often used in the context of slimming diets. Often qualified as tea, it should not be mistaken: the green yerba mate is not tea. The leaves used do not belong to the same family, in fact. This organic green tea is also called "Jesuit tea" or "Brazilian tea" and is made from a plant: yerba mate. Discover the history of mate and learn all its secrets!

Green mate, Brazilian origins

Mate is a detox infusion straight from South America, made from the leaves of the Yerba Maté plant. This drink is not only consumed in Latin America but has been exported far beyond, and is traditionally drunk in the Middle East, particularly in Lebanon and Syria. Its virtues have also seduced Westerners and we consume it more and more often. Its origins go back to the culture of the Guarani Amerindians who used to infuse the leaves of the plant. Mate is one of the drinks that contain caffeine: it is therefore a stimulant. Where does its name come from? From the word "mati", which is a kind of calabash used for the preparation of mate.

Difference between green and roasted mate

There are different forms of mate tea. Brown mate, for example, is roasted, which gives it a more roasted taste. In concrete terms, how is this specific mate made? It is exposed to a direct fire, which gives it a stronger and smokier aroma. This is the same process that is used to make coffee, cocoa or beer.

thé maté

Green mate: the benefits of tea and its virtues

Mate lovers appreciate it for its unique flavor but also for its many health benefits. First of all, just like tea or coffee, it has great stimulating properties. It is very efficient to fight against fatigue and is ideal for a good boost in the morning. A cup of mate tea offers you the same benefits as a tea or a coffee for breakfast! Like tea, mate leaves provide antioxidant properties, and thus have a detoxifying effect on the body. To go further, mate, if consumed regularly, would also be a powerful ally against bad cholesterol in the long term. Finally, one of its most sought-after advantages: mate has beneficial effects in the context of weight loss. It helps to fight against water retention. It also contains many vitamins: vitamin A, vitamin C among others.

Why choose an organic green mate?

The medicinal virtues are even more important when you choose organic tea. Why should you choose organic tea? It is important to know that the tea leaves are not rinsed before infusion. By choosing an organic yerba mate, you can be sure that there are no pesticides in your cup. You will enjoy a better quality tea, with preserved aromas. The benefits of green tea are much more pronounced when you consume an organic herbal tea.

Green tea mate: how to prepare it?

You would like to try organic green tea mate but you wonder how to prepare this infusion? Follow our advice to take advantage of all the virtues of the tea. Traditionally, mate is prepared with a calabash and a bombilla. But fortunately, you can also consume it in the western way and prepare it like tea. On the other hand, you should know that the mate leaves can be infused several times. You can also consume it hot or cold. In any case, you can enjoy its refreshing action.

Green mate to lose weight

Mate has long been known to be a powerful ally in weight loss. Why is it so? First, for its diuretic effect. Drinking mate tea helps to eliminate water that accumulates under the skin. It allows to drain deeply. But its appetite suppressant side is also very sought after: rather than snacking on cakes, a good cup of organic green mate tea will fill your belly. Obviously, it is recommended to drink it without sugar to enjoy its benefits on weight.

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  • 5

    good quality green mate! (Translated review)

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    PERFECT (Translated review)

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    my breakfast every morning, I like it a lot (Translated review)

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    very well (Translated review)

  • 5

    I drink it throughout the day. I appreciate its properties. Perfect for me. (Translated review)

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