Our 4 best teas for detoxifying the body

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Tasting teas and herbal teas allows you to appreciate the flavors of plants, while enjoying their benefits. Weight loss or toxin elimination? Antioxidant properties or liver benefits? Whatever your needs, a hot drink with a detoxifying effect takes care of your body. Ready for a teatox? Discover our 4 best detox teas made with organic ingredients.

Supergreen: green, matcha, maté and lemon teas

Our Supergreen organic detox drink is our best product for eliminating fats and toxins during the day. It combines various ingredients with beneficial effects for the body and health. It includes various green teas, mate, nettle, ginger and lemon.

The health benefits of green teas

Generally speaking, green teas are reputed to help you lose weight. Thanks to their caffeine and polyphenol content, they are said to help lose weight and burn fat, particularly in the abdominal region. Drinking green tea on a regular basis is said to promote a flat tummy effect. Our organic detox infusion contains Sencha and Matcha teas to support your daily weight-loss program.

The virtues of other herbs in the infusion

Our Supergreen organic tea also features an assortment of natural products with different virtues.

  • Ginger and lemongrass promote healthy digestion.
  • Nettle eliminates excess water and protects the liver.
  • Green mate, a tea-like plant, contains stimulating caffeine. Maté infusion is diuretic and a slimming ally.

Night Détox: the organic herbal tea for night-time elimination

Among our best detox teas, Night Détox is your nocturnal ally. Low in caffeine and enriched with medicinal plants, it ensures a peaceful night's sleep while activating your body's elimination functions. A perfect herbal tea for the end of the day.

Herbs to eliminate toxins

Our detox tea contains small amounts of green tea. This limits the effects of caffeine, while giving you the drink's fat-burning benefits. The presence of nettle reinforces the infusion's diuretic properties and drains water from your body. As for moringa leaves, they offer properties such as :

  • liver protection ;
  • cholesterol regulation ;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • fat burning.

Quality sleep for better health

To lose weight and detoxify the body, it's important to get a good night's sleep. To put your body to rest, Night Détox infusion is composed of plants that promote relaxation and sleep: lemon balm, chamomile, valerian and St John's wort.

Détox Menthe: plant virtues and flavours

Our Détox Menthe organic herbal tea is guaranteed caffeine-free. Its ingredients are rich in antioxidants that offer numerous benefits for the body. The drink has a fresh, tangy taste, punctuated by spicy notes.

The benefits of mint for digestion

Mint brings freshness and lightness to herbal teas. In infusion, mint leaves also offer health benefits. Thanks to its diuretic properties, mint helps eliminate toxins. It also aids digestion, particularly after a heavy meal.

Properties of other organic herbal tea ingredients

Other ingredients complete our mint detox tea.

  • Cinnamon, ginger and turmeric: ingredients traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for their purifying properties.
  • Goji berries: antioxidant power and immune system stimulation.
  • Rosemary: diuretic effect and digestive health.

Green Point: taste and benefits of green rooibos

Our Green Point organic blend contains green rooibos, fruits and herbs. These high-quality products boost the body's defenses, improve digestion and have diuretic and depurative effects.

The effects of green rooibos on the body

Green rooibos comes from a South African plant and contains no caffeine. Green Point herbal tea can be enjoyed at any time of day. Green rooibos (unfermented) is traditionally consumed to relieve colic and aid digestion. It is also reputed to be high in antioxidants, although no studies have confirmed this.

A detox infusion with citrus fruits and herbs

In our herbal tea, ingredients with multiple flavors and benefits accompany rooibos. Fruits (lemon, orange, apple, quince) provide their share of vitamins and antioxidants. These support your body and immune system. To combat water retention, mint and elderflower have draining properties. Finally, licorice root helps keep the liver in good working order. Discover our best organic detox teas . These infusions are ideal for a teatox cure, to accompany a slimming diet or simply for a wellness tea with gourmet flavors.

Posted in: Detox

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