Tisane de cannelle

Cinnamon, or cinnamomum in Latin, is a spice with powerful medicinal properties. Its stimulating effect acts on the immune and nervous systems. In powder or stick form, it is widely used in cooking and medicine.

Enjoy the health benefits of a delicious herbal tea made with organic cinnamon bark or powder. In infusion, the spice activates digestion and helps to lose weight. Combine it with honey and lemon to treat your winter ailments. Its medicinal properties also reduce cholesterol and diabetes.

Cinnamomum essential oil is extracted from the leaves or bark powder of the cinnamon tree. The essential oils of Ceylon cinnamon and Chinese cinnamon fight infections. Diluted in a drink, their effects on the body are invigorating and aphrodisiac.

Discover how a cup of organic cinnamon tea boosts your sexual and intellectual performance.

How to prepare a cinnamon tea

Cinnamon is a spice extracted from the bark of the cinnamon tree, grown in Asia. In infusion, you benefit from its medicinal virtues in a fragrant drink with an intense taste.

Why use organic cinnamon for your infusions

Untreated chemically, organically grown cinnamon is better for your health. You can use Saigon cinnamon which is naturally organic. The Ceylon cinnamon considered as the true cinnamon is perfectly suitable. It is of a higher quality than all other varieties, especially Chinese cinnamon.

Preparation of the cinnamon tea

Boil a cinnamon stick in 50 cl of water. Let it steep for about ten minutes and then strain the infusion before drinking it. You can vary the recipe by using a tablespoon of cinnamon powder. Drink a maximum of three cups a day because beyond that the cinnamon becomes toxic for the liver. Let's see its main health benefits.

The benefits of cinnamon tea on health

By stimulating the immune system, a hot cinnamon drinkstrengthens the immune system. Add honey and lemon to your preparation to beat colds and flu. The three products combine their common antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties.

Cinnamon stimulates the whole body

By stimulating the nervous system, cinnamon infusion activates brain functions. Consuming it helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. Its soothing properties on the nerves allows to reduce stress.

Cinnamon tea regulates the level of carbohydrates and lipids in the blood, its action is scientifically recognized against type 2 diabetes and bad cholesterol.

Recipes and use of cinnamon infusion

Cinnamon infusion facilitates digestion. Add turmeric to increase its action on the stomach by relieving heartburn and bloating.
To stimulate the libido, infusions based on cinnamon associated with other spices are aphrodisiac. Infuse together pieces of ginger, a few cloves and a pinch of cinnamon.

For a detox drink, infuse together ginger, lemon, cinnamon and cloves. This drink helps to lose weight by eliminating toxins.

The effects of cinnamic aldehyde, the essential oil of cinnamon

Like many spices, cinnamon has antioxidant properties. Its essential oil is a product highly concentrated in cinnamic aldehyde or cinnamaldehyde. This organic compound eliminates the free radicals responsible for cell aging. It also has an anti-inflammatory action and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Its powerful antifungal, antibacterial and vermifuge properties rid the body of intestinal infections and parasites. Cinnamaldehyde is very effective against skin diseases such as acne or warts.

Finally, this essential oil of cinnamon is a powerful tonic for the body and mind. Diluted in a drink, it fights physical fatigue and has an anti-depressive action.

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