Tisane de romarin

Rosemary tea has many medicinal properties and acts on our body on many points. In terms of phytotherapy, the plant shines by its benefits on our body. Discover the attractions of this delicious herbal tea. Of its scientific name rosmarinus officinalis, its leaves intervene to relieve many evils. Pain, digestion, rosemary even has effects on memory! In infusion or in oil, rosemary takes care of us.

Medicinal properties of rosemary

Rosemary tea has a long list of benefits and is one of the best known. Its leaves help to cure the disorders of our body at many levels. It is a formidable plant that can be used to treat digestion, sleep, menstrual cycles and winter colds. Its use in phytotherapy is recognized and a good rosemary tea is always appreciated.

What are the virtues of rosemary?

Among its many health benefits, rosemary is known to be :

  • antioxidant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • diuretic
  • spasmolytic (fights against digestive problems)
  • expectorant.

The use of herbal teas and infusions with rosemary is therefore recommended if you suffer from :

  • Sleep disorders: rosemary helps you fall asleep.
  • Stress: with its soothing virtues, an infusion calms nervousness.
  • Digestion problems, but also bloating, constipation or liver problems.
  • ENT infections: its expectorant effect relieves bronchitis.
  • Painful menstrual cycle

Where to find rosemary to make infusions?

To make a good rosemary infusion, we recommend the use of fresh plants. In nature, they can be recognized by their bushy, green appearance and elongated, narrow leaves. Rosemary differs from thyme, which has wider leaves.

Rosemary can be found in herbalist shops, or in organic stores. This is where you can get valuable advice on how to use it. Note also that many online sites offer delivery.

How to make a rosemary infusion?

In cooking, rosemary is widely used to garnish dishes with its dried leaves. To take full advantage of the properties and active ingredients of rosemary, it is used fresh for infusions. Very simple, the recipe for rosemary tea is easy to prepare.

  • In boiling water, add the rosemary (1 teaspoon)
  • Infuse for at least 10 minutes off the heat
  • Add honey and lemon to taste.

You can add other medicinal plants to complement the benefits of rosemary, such as thyme leaves or peppermint.
This tea has detoxifying and stimulating properties for the body.

Other uses of rosemary and their benefits

The family of rosemary-based products also includes organic essential oils. They complement an herbal tea treatment by providing an additional source of benefits.

  • A few drops of rosemary essential oil in a diffuser help to improve memory
  • In the bath, rosemary helps to relax.
  • In hair care, to fight against dandruff.

A cure of rosemary is appreciated in phytotherapy to relieve in a natural way the dysfunctions of our body.

Its virtues are so numerous, and its uses so multiple, that we would like to plant rosemary on our balconies or in our gardens to benefit, next spring, from all its valuable medicinal properties on our health.

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